
My newest hat: Published author.

I am incredibly excited to share with you Fear Less. It forced me to travel back in time and relive some difficult experiences. At the same time, it was therapeutic to put on paper and process those feelings years later.

This opportunity took me by surprise and I am grateful for the experience. I put a lot of energy into it and I hope you enjoy.

I do have books available to ship, but you can also purchase through the publisher link below + kindly use ESTEE20 for 20% off:

Golden Brick Road Publishing - (when you purchase here, you’re supporting a small business as well.)

You can also grab your copy of Fear Less at Barnes and Noble, Target, Amazon and Wilson Book Gallery. Click the links below to purchase:

Barnes and Noble



Wilson Book Gallery - (when you purchase here, you’re supporting a small business as well.)

Featured Podcast: listen here for free!

If you’ve already purchased, my co-authors and I would love nothing more than your book review. It means more than you know!

One more thing. Thank you for your support. You’re not only supporting me, but also, thirteen other inspiring authors. It has been an honor to write along side of them.
