First things first - Hair shedding is normal + most people will shed 50-100 in a day.
If you’re not one to wash your hair everyday or wear it in a ponytail often, you may be one that notices even more shedding at once. The medical term is Telogen Effluvium.
Shedding is not actually "losing hair” it is in fact just the transition of follicles from growth phase to resting phase. They don't fall out and die, never to return, they "go to sleep", to return several months later. Hair follicles work in cycles as part of their normal processes. Even someone not losing their hair goes through the same cycles. The hair will grow for a while, and it will rest for a while.
While it may seem counterintuitive to lose hair while trying to regrow your hair, hair shedding is actually part of the natural hair regrowth cycle.
Why do some people notice more shedding when they start with MONAT?
When you use MONAT, it starts to penetrate the scalp and begins to reinvigorate shrunken hair follicles, making them larger. This may cause the old, thinner hairs to shed in order to make way for the thicker hair to grow thanks to the larger follicles.
MONAT contains powerful active botanicals including Capixyl and Procataline. They wake up sleeping or sluggish follicles, enlarge them and then provide the necessary nutrients for growth. If the follicles are small and neglected, when they begin to wake up, they get rid of the old hair and dead cells that have been clogging them up. Depending on your hair cycle and rate of turnover, this shedding process may seem drastic at first but, this is a good thing because it means the products are working. With continued use, everything will balance out, the shedding will stop and you will see growth. Remember, we are Treatment Systems, and that means long-term health and results
If you believe this is more then normal amounts of shedding, you may want to contact your doctor, as there could be other underlying health issues causing it.
The medical term for hair loss is Anagen Effluvium and is always from internal issues.
Main causes of excessive shedding or hair loss:
- Stress
- High Fever
- Hormones
- Medications
- Surgeries
- Giving Birth
- Postpartum
- Stopping Birth control
- Recovering from an illness
- Losing weight
- Extreme change in diet
- Aging
- Genetics
- Hairstyles that pull on hair follicles
Keep in mind, the hair loss or excessive shedding most often times happens 2-3 months after a stressful situation, medications have stopped, after surgery (recovery) etc, which is why many do not realize the true cause.