Do you LOVE your hair?


Do you love your hair?

Loving your hair means something different to everyone, yes? In my youth, a bad hair day was if a piece of hair didn’t curl just right or it went flat. Flat hair was a crisis! Which is why I carried a teasing comb in my purse at.all.times. Hair thinning, change in texture, and graying didn’t happen until you’re like a grandparent, right!? For some :)

I struggled with all three by the ripe age of 33 - having my first gray hair at 27. Gradually, my full ponytail and messy bun began to thin and my hairline started receding. My concern peaked when I could pile up a wad of hair after every brushing. After my doctor ordered labs and exams, the only thing to report was that my hormone levels were a little low. Not remarkably low, like I was expecting to hear. 

I began cleaning up my nutrition and got to the point I was in the best physical shape of my life. When I look back at photos from that time, my hair has changed so much for the better. From the continued growth to reduced hair fall to the shine and vitality, my hair’s health is off the chain - really. I even have people ask if they “can pet my hair.” Ha! Now THAT is a first since switching my hair products. 

I suppose a bad hair day could be many things for me, but when I can see and feel a difference in the overall health + vitality, I judge my hair less and spend more time loving it!